19th Or 19rd – Which Is Correct?

When you're writing ordinal numbers, '19th' is correct. The 'th' suffix is used for numbers ending in 9, ensuring consistency and clarity in communication. '19rd' is incorrect because the 'rd' suffix is only for numbers ending in 3, like 3rd or 23rd. Using '19th' follows the proper grammatical rules and helps avoid confusion. This standard form is widely accepted and understood, demonstrating attention to detail. Wanting to know more about ordinal numbers and their correct forms can help you in precise and clear writing.

Key Takeaways

  • '19th' is the correct form for expressing the ordinal number 19.
  • The 'th' suffix applies to ordinal numbers ending in 9.
  • '19rd' is incorrect and does not follow standard English conventions.
  • Using '19th' ensures clear and proper communication.
  • Consistent education and usage reinforce '19th' as the standard.

19th Or 19rd – Which Spelling Is Correct?

When you're writing the ordinal number for 19, always use '19th' instead of '19rd' to guarantee accuracy. Ordinal numbers help indicate the position of something in a list, like first, second, third, and so on.

For numbers ending in 9, such as 19, the correct ordinal indicator to use is 'th'. So, you should write '19th' and not '19rd'.

Using '19rd' is incorrect and can make your writing look unprofessional. The ordinal indicator 'th' is consistently used for numbers like 19th, 20th, and beyond. This ensures clarity and maintains a formal tone in your communication.

Consistency in using the correct ordinal indicator is important because it avoids confusion and enhances readability.

Always follow the established rules for ordinal numbers to maintain accuracy in your writing. This small detail—using '19th' instead of '19rd'—plays a significant role in keeping your writing precise and clear.


The suffix 'th' is essential for correctly writing most ordinal numbers, including 19th. This suffix is applied to numbers beyond 12, following a general rule in English grammar. For instance, you add 'th' to numbers like 10 to form 10th, 11 to form 11th, and so on. This rule guarantees consistency and clarity, making it easier for readers to understand the sequence.

Using 'th' for ordinal numbers isn't only grammatically correct but also universally accepted. For example, the correct form for the number 19 in its ordinal version is '19th'. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Adding 'th' to numbers beyond 12 maintains consistency.
  • '19th' is the standard form for expressing the ordinal number 19.
  • It helps in clear communication, reducing any potential confusion.
  • The 'th' suffix is widely accepted and recognized in written English.
  • Correctly using 'th' demonstrates attention to detail and proper grammar.

When you need to refer to the 19th item in a sequence, always use '19th'. This practice ensures that your writing is both accurate and easily understood by your audience.


You'll use the suffix 'rd' for ordinal numbers ending in 3, like 3rd, 23rd, and 33rd. This suffix distinguishes these ordinal numbers from others, guaranteeing clarity and precision in your writing. Ordinal numbers indicate the position of something in a list, unlike cardinal numbers, which represent quantity.

When you write ordinal numbers ending in 3, you add 'rd' to the base number. For example, the number 3 becomes 3rd. If you have the number 23, it turns into 23rd, and 33 becomes 33rd. This pattern continues consistently, even for larger numbers like 103rd or 213rd. The 'rd' suffix is unique to numbers ending in 3, which makes it easy to remember once you understand the rule.

Using 'rd' correctly is essential for accurate communication. It follows the standard convention of using the last two letters of the word form when writing ordinal numbers. This practice helps readers immediately understand the position of the number within a series. By adhering to these guidelines, you guarantee your writing is clear and precise, avoiding any misunderstandings about the numerical order you're describing.

Which Is Used the Most?

In daily writing and conversation, '19th' is far and away the term you'll see most often for the 19th position in a sequence. This is because '19th' is the correct ordinal form of the number 19, adhering to established rules for forming ordinal numbers. Using '19th' guarantees consistency and clarity in communication, which is especially important when dealing with sequences or lists.

The prevalence of '19th' in written and spoken language can be attributed to several factors:

  • Standardization: '19th' follows the standard rule for creating ordinal numbers from cardinal numbers.
  • Clarity: It clearly indicates the 19th position without ambiguity.
  • Education: From an early age, people are taught to use 'th' for numbers ending in 9, reinforcing its correct usage.
  • Consistency: Using '19th' helps maintain uniformity in documents and discussions.
  • Recognition: '19th' is instantly recognizable and understandable to most people.

You're unlikely to encounter '19rd' in any formal context, as it's incorrect and not widely recognized. Sticking to '19th' guarantees that your writing remains professional and easily understood by your audience. This consistency in using correct ordinal forms helps avoid confusion and maintains the integrity of your communication.

Final Thoughts

Wrapping up, it's evident that using '19th' instead of '19rd' guarantees your communication is both accurate and professional. The correct ordinal form for the number 19 is '19th,' adhering to the standard rule for writing ordinal numbers. This rule is consistent across numbers ending in '9,' such as 9th, 19th, and 29th.

By consistently applying the correct form, you maintain clarity and uphold established conventions in writing. Understanding this rule helps prevent confusion and inaccuracies, ensuring you accurately express numerical order. Whether you're writing a date, referencing a position in a series, or any other context requiring an ordinal number, using '19th' is essential for clear communication.

In professional and personal contexts alike, accuracy is vital. Imagine referencing the nineteenth position in a list of two thousand items. Using '19th' makes your communication clear and understandable, avoiding any potential misunderstandings.

Ultimately, adhering to these conventions demonstrates attention to detail, which is a hallmark of effective communication. So, remember, using '19th' is the correct choice and a simple way to maintain precision in your writing.

Frequently Asked Questions

When to Use Th or Rd in Date?

You should use 'th' for dates like 19th and 20th. Use 'rd' for dates ending in 3, such as 3rd and 23rd. Always match the suffix to the last digit of the number.

How to Write 19th?

You should write '19th' with 'th' at the end. This follows the rule for ordinal numbers, ensuring clarity and professionalism in your writing. Remember, '19rd' is incorrect, so always use '19th' for accuracy.

Is 12 Th or Nd?

You should use '12th' instead of '12rd' or '12nd.' The correct ordinal form for 12 is '12th,' following the standard rule for forming ordinal numbers. This avoids confusion and guarantees proper usage in dates and sequences.

Is It 32TH or 32nd?

For the current question, use '32nd,' not '32th.' The rule is simple: apply 'nd' for numbers like 32. Consistency is key, so always follow the established convention for clarity in writing.


To sum up, '19th' is the correct spelling, as it follows the standard rule for forming ordinal numbers: adding 'th' to numbers ending in 9.

'19rd' is incorrect and not used. You'll find '19th' consistently in written and spoken English. This guarantees clarity and uniformity in communication.

By using '19th,' you adhere to grammatical norms, avoiding confusion and maintaining professionalism in your writing. Stick with '19th' to make sure your language is precise and correct.

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